Friday, June 21, 2013

Zettai! and Kanji

It's no secret that Manga, Anime and all things Japanese are hugely popular here in the United States-especially with young people.  Cosplay is a favorite at conventions and Japanese products of all types are sure sellers at stores.
Stone Bridge Press provides its readers with the who, what, where, how and when of all things Japanese with its excellent reference compilations that explore Manga, Anime and the Japanese culture.

Two such books recently were released and they are 'must have' items for anyone serious about knowing more about The Land Of The Rising Sun, its people, customs and popular culture products.

Anime Classics Zettai!: 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces, from Brian Camp and Julie Davis, is a perfect introduction to Anime for the novice.

The thick, square-bound book is filled with descriptions of the classic Anime, their storylines, characters and significance.  Black and white screenshots accompany most descriptions, conveniently arranged in alphabetical order.

Crazy for Kanji, compiled by Eve Kushner, offers A Student's Guide to the Wonderful World of Japanese Characters.

Learning the Japanese language is not easy, especially for those of us raised in the West.  If the language was not hard enough, learning the meaning of Kanji (Japanese written characters) is mind-boggling!

Never fear, this new book breaks down Kanji to their roots, explains their meanings, both literally and culturally, and provides clever games and exercises to help learn each.

Crazy for Kanji is more than just learning about characters, it's an exercise about learning about Japan, its people, places, culture and much more.