Monday, June 29, 2015

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction #720, July/August

Novella by Rachel Pollack

Novelets by Tamsyn Muir, Van Aaron Hughes, and Matthew Hughes

Short stories by Richard Chwedyk, James Patrick Kelly, Oliver Buckram, Betsy James, Naomi Kritzer, and Gregor Hartmann

Departments include:

Charles de Lint’s Books to Look For, on titles by Alex Bledsoe and others

Books by James Sallis, on a novel by Laura van den Berg

Films by Kathi Maio, covering Cinderella and Merchants of Doubt

Science column by Pat Murphy and Paul Doherty

Traveling Through Time a “Plumage from Pegasus” vignette by Paul Di Filippo

Curiosities by Bud Webster, on a book by Peter Beagle