Monday, April 11, 2016

How To Draw Classic Heads & Faces

When I was young, about teenager age, I began to seriously draw.  Since I wanted to be a comic book artist I knew that mastering the human figure and faces would be one my greatest challenges.
Back then, there was no internet and libraries carried a very small selection of art 'how-to' books.

By chance I happened across a new book store and found the Walter Foster selection of large art books ranging from drawing still-life to the human figure.

I purchased both the human figure book and a book on how to draw heads and faces.  I used each book for years until they disappeared somewhere over the decades.

Fortunately Walter Foster Publishing has brought it classic series of books back, albeit in a slightly smaller format, with its Collectibles series.

How To Draw Classic Heads & Hands includes the original drawings seen in the classic books along with new sections on Tools & Materials, Form & Value and Basic Drawing Techniques.
It's the perfect combination of the old and the new that demonstrate perfectly how to go about drawing faces and heads.

Children, adults, men, women, hair, eyes, mouths, noses, perspective, profiles,, facial structure and more are covered thoroughly.  They make for a perfect combination in the fine art of drawing faces and heads.