Sunday, June 24, 2018

Time For A Change—Finally!

This morning in my Sunday School class, at the church I attend, God brought to my mind the fact that being ‘saved’ not only means that he has forgiven my sins and guarantees that I’ll go to heaven, but more.
No, it’s much more than that.  The scriptures mention that I am ‘born again’—not physically, but spiritually. 

It means that I have a brand new life and that my sins are forgiven.  I now have a choice-I decide whether I sin or not.  God guarantees a way out of any temptation.

God can, and will, accomplish great things in my life.  He deserves all the credit!

Over the past several years I’ve struggled with a number of issues-chief among them a poor self-image, a failure to accomplish my goals and most importantly-recognizing my age (I'm 65), maturing and listening to others.

Having been raised by myself, I tend to look at things from my point of view-often disregarding or not recognizing other people’s similar struggles and coping with life in general.

The term epiphany is often over-used and misinterpreted.  It literally means to have one’s eyes opened, to see things differently-to have a sudden realization.

It applies to me.

I’ve decided that I need to trust God—for everything, for everyone and in every situation in my life.

Here a just a few of the changes I need to make, with God’s help and guidance.

1. Control my tongue-quit being the joker and choose my words carefully.  Listen more than talk.

2.  Consider others’ needs-especially my wife’s and family.  Help others.  Get to know more people.

3. Trust God to bless my blog and website and all that go with them-including review items.

4.  Along that same line-trust God to expand my old comic book and toy collections—give God all the credit and share with others.

5. Get out and see more-go to conventions, take vacations and stop fretting over small details.

6. Take one day at a time and thank God everyday for everything: my marriage, family, finances, retirement, health, creature comforts, friends, a home, cloths, food, and transportation-the list is endless.

7. Be grateful, especially for my health, mobility, clarity of mind—again the list goes on and on.

8. Love people-even if I disagree with them and their lifestyle.  God loves everyone and wants each and every person to be saved.  Study and share the gospel (the good news).

9. Always tell the truth, be trustworthy, courteous, kind, forgiving, patient, empathetic and above all share God’s love.  Pray for and love others-even my enemies.

10. Pray for and expect God’s blessings. Ask God for each and everything I need or want and be satisfied with his answer.

11. Never let situations dictate my mood.  Let the Holy Spirit (not my emotions) guide my actions.

12. Read more (lots of subjects), study, ponder, explore and try new things.

I’m sure there are more things I could add to my list-but you get the idea.

It’s time to grow up, deal with life, enjoy life and spread a little joy around.  I pray to God that I do that every day--here, and away from my computer.