Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I’m So Excited!

I’m a Christian.  I make no bones about it.  I believe God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to the earth, to be born of a virgin, live a sinless life and die to pay for the sins of mankind.

It’s up to each individual person to accept or refuse his free gift.  It’s that simple.

I’m also very excited.

Before I get started I am not one of those ‘name and claim it’ Christians.

God never promised that after a person is saved that their lives would be bed of roses.  Keep in mind rose beds also have thorns.

He did promise to be with us, guide us and help us.  That’s comforting.

Back to my main point.  I’m excited.

As many of you know, if you’ve been reading my blog, Collectors’ Corner has been in print and then on the web for 27 years.

There have been ups and downs, but God has always been faithful.

I’ve learned (with a little prodding from God) to place him first and he’ll take care of all the rest, and that includes Collectors’ Corner.

I used to fret about not receiving enough review items and that the blog readership was not growing enough.

Enough of that.

Over the past few months I’ve been treated to some unexpected and hopeful developments, that if I interpret them correctly, will see a significant upswing in viewership and review material.

A lot of companies are interested in the blog, many that pooh-poohed it off a couple years ago are reconsidering their position and the viewership is slowly growing larger.

I’m excited about the possibilities!

I’ve given it all over to God.  I want Collectors’ Corner to not only to be about pop culture reviews but a venue by which I can demonstrate the love of God.

I’m sure some of you who are reading this disregard and shrug off what I am saying.  That’s OK-that’s your right.

But, if I reach just a few people.  Demonstrate to them what kindness, compassion, trust and commitment are all about while touting the love of God - I believe that pleases God.  It’s not about the blog or me.  It’s about God.

Too often Christians are characterized as bigots, homophobic, racist and the like.  Regrettably some are.

A true Christian is to love everyone unconditionally-even their enemies.   It’s not easy.

That doesn't not mean that as Christians we are to overlook sin.  It does mean we love the sinner-not the sin.  Contrary to what many believe nowadays, there is a right and there is a wrong.

People often say that the church is full of hypocrites and that may be true in some instances. It should not be that way. 

The only difference between Christians and non-Christians is that Christians are saved sinners and non-Christians are unsaved sinners.

Newsflash-Christians still make mistakes and sometimes sin.  A true Christians recognizes when they goof up and they strive to do better with God’s help.

Anyone looking for a perfect church may as well give up that notion.  The minute they join, that church will no longer be perfect.

God willing Collectors’ Corner will be more than a review site.  It will be a beacon pointing toward hope and salvation.

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