Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Words Between Us

Secrets-everyone has secrets.

But when is secret is revealed that involves a horrible truth and is hidden by a fabricated identity and lies--trouble is sure to follow

That‘s the situation used bookstore owner Robin Windsor finds herself in.

Over the years she assumed different identities, kept to herself and preferred the company of books to people.

What friends she does have are few and far between.

She lives a quiet, reclusive life surrounded by her literary gallery of fictional characters, her parrot The Professor and two loyal friends who share her secret.

Running from her past, despite the fact that she had nothing to do with her parents’ crimes, Robin is haunted by their actions and hides from those who want to expose her.

One day a package arrives at her door.

Within it is a copy of The Catcher On The Rye: the very first book Peter Flynt: a boy she met in high school, gave her.  He also betrayed her trust-a betrayal she has never got over.

But why and what has the book to do with her past?  Some other books they shared begin to arrive.

Does their arrival foretell impending doom?  Will her long held secret be revealed?

That’s just a few of the questions she needs answered in the brand new thriller:
The Words Between Us, by author Erin Bartels and published by Baker Publishing Group/Revell.

The Words Between Us is a taught thriller that strings the reader along in a sequence of slow and methodical moments that culminate in a rush to an unexpected revelation.

The characters are well fleshed out and totally unique.  The author does an excellent job of defining each person’s individual personality, none more so than

You feel as if you know the people.  There is an air of familiarity about them.

From the quiet, secretive, yet compassionate Robin to her more boisterous, sometimes outrageous friends and associates, each is unique.

You really feel the turmoil Robin is caught up in and the torment she has endured over the years.

I especially like the references to God and faith.  I was pleased to read that the author hails from my home state of Michigan and resides not too far from my hometown of Milford.

The book is a great read and fans of mysteries and thrillers are sure to enjoy every page.

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