
Thursday, December 11, 2008


What started out as a single page handout/newsletter of 'what's hot' and 'what's not' has blossomed into a print and online publication read around the world.

Whoever would have thought that my attempts to steer customers away from asking me questions while I stocked, counted and priced comic books would turn into a pop culture periodical?

In an attempt to keep customers from using up all my time asking questions about old comic books I created Comics' Corner, a single page publication that provided much needed comic book information-thus freeing me up to do my job.

The response was unexpected to say the least. customers snatched it up, other stores soon wanted copies and for a short time a cable TV show was a possibility. Publishers and manufacturers got on the wagon and provided review copies.

The simple one page periodical grew to two pages, four and eventually eight. Readership reached over 2,000, topping out at just over 5,000. Then came the Internet.

Renamed Collectors' Corner, the website grew at a phenomenal rate. Recently I added this blog. Readership is now over 30,000.

I won't say it's been easy, but it has been interesting and fun. Collectors' Corner continues to bring in new readers each month, new companies provide review samples and I've never been busier.

I enjoy sharing my opinions of products, I still try to bring more companies on board and some of those I already have contact with-I encourage them to provide review samples on a more frequent and permanent basis.

I've discovered the whole secret to doing this kind of publication is to be consistent, reliable and most of all--to never give up. I need to pause here for a moment and give credit where credit is due.

I thank God he's given me this opportunity. I give him full credit. Trust me, I'm not that smart. There is no way I could have pulled this off myself. That may sound corny, but it's true. I also wish to thank my wife and family. Without their support none of this would have been possible.

I hope readers continue to enjoy Collectors' Corner for years to come because I realize without you, the reader, there would be no Collectors' Corner.

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