
Friday, January 23, 2009

Times Are Tough Part One

Times are tough all over, especially when it comes to popular culture collectibles. The collectors' market has always been dependent on disposable income. The only problem is, with the current economy, there isn't mush disposable income available. The big change I've seen when it comes to writing and producing Collectors' Corner is that companies aren't sending out as many review samples as they used to. Staff cutbacks, shrinking demographics, higher costs and less money being spent on collectibles make it difficult to keep things in the black. I was in marketing and advertising for over 25 years. During that time I've seen companies come and go. Those that went usually did so because of lagging sales. The first cost they would cut would be for advertising, which was the one area they should have not cut back on. In fact, they should have increased it. It's hard to sell more merchandise when no one knows that you're selling it. I'm starting to see that same mistake being made with publishers and manufacturers in the collectibles market. Comic book, magazine and book publishers are trimming back on review samples. Prices continue to rise. Toy companies barely send out samples. Some even charge reviewers (albeit at a discount). The problem is that reviewers only have so much money to spend and they (like everyone else) have to be selective about what they purchase. The end result? Many toys do not get reviewed. Most electronics manufacturers producing computers, peripherals, etc., send very few review samples. Some assume that their name sells a product. Current economic times are proving them wrong. The truth is everyone is hurting. But now is not the time to panic. Companies should advertise and provide reviewers product. Most advertising can be written off when taxes are filed. I want to review more product, but I only have so much money. I encourage companies to send samples-not everything they produce-just a sampling. I want to see collectibles and popular culture items publishers and manufacturers survive and prosper. I buy what i can. If review samples are provided, I'll review them. People will read the reviews and buy the products. Simple math.

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