
Friday, January 9, 2009

Yeti Vs. Vampire #1

A frozen wasteland. Four weary travelers trudge through the snow and ice blanketing a narrow mountain pass. Suddenly they spot an ancient tomb carved out of the rock and ice. They enter and discover a huge hall flanked by a series of mammoth statues.

Suddenly, without warning, a band of warriors attack from the shadows and decimate the travelers, mutilating their bodies. The attack is swift, without mercy and horrific. The warriors kid among themselves of how easy they vanquished the intruders-until the intruders bodies begin to reassemble themselves and transform into werewolves!

What happens next is not pleasant as the warriors soon discover. From out of the carnage walks a tall beautiful woman-the vampire mistress of the werewolves. At her command the werewolves open a large ornate door that was guarded by the warriors. Upon entering they discover a lush underground world complete with trees, other plant life and…Yeti!

From out of the bushes a large snake man attacks two young Yeti. At that moment a full grown Yeti attacks the reptilian human only to succumb to the snake man’s venomous bite and passes out. The werewolves then set about caging the Yeti and they and their mistress fly away with the Yeti in tow.

What is the purpose of capturing the Yeti? Who is the mysterious woman? That’s just a few of the questions left unanswered as the exciting first issue of Yeti Vs. Vampire comes to a close. Mile Gunter, Kelsey Shannon and Victor Santos present what promises to be an exciting new series from Antarctic Press. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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