
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Watching The Watchmen

Anticipation is high for the upcoming release of the movie adaptation of the ground-breaking Watchmen comic book maxi-series. Comic book and movie fans have great hopes concerning the movie that like the series itself it will break traditional superhero ground, only this time at the movies.

Series co-creator Dave Gibbons (along with Chip Kidd and Mike Essl) and Titan Books have released an impressive collection of Gibbon's preparatory work never seen before. Page after page are filled with sketches, final inked images, color studies, page layouts and character, setting and equipment designs Gibbons compiled that he used while designing the series, along with writer Alan Moore.

For an in-depth examination as to what it takes to turn out such a massive project, Watching The Watchmen in a treasure trove of the how and why behind the series. Inside you'll read about the original concept, unused character designs and storyline fragments. Discover how the series was marketed, what changes, deletions and additions had to made, what the series was originally based upon and why Gibbons and Moore collaborated to turn comic books on their collective ear.

It took a tremendous amount of work and effort to pull it off and Watching The Watchmen is no less impressive than the series.

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