
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quantum Of Solace

When Daniel Craig accepted the role of James Bond many Bond fans squelched the idea. Although Craig resembled the literary profile of Bond with his craggy good looks and cool demeanor, his blue eyes and blond hair were no-nos.

When his first James Bond movie, Casino Royale, broke all Bond movie records, the public and his detractors warmed up to him. But, was he a one-hit wonder?

Quantum Of Solace proves that Craig has nailed the Bond persona on the head. His cavalier attitude, tough-as-nails ruggedness and powerful emotional and physical performance proves that he is the James Bond for the 21st Century.

Quantum Of Solace takes up immediately after Casino Royale ends. Bond is after the mysterious organization responsible for the death of the woman he loved and whose fleeting shadow falls over some of the most insidious criminal activities imaginable. His investigation leads him to the criminal organization known only as Quantum and face-to-face with environmentalist Dominic Greene.

Greene's plans involve overthrowing a small country's government by controlling its water supply. Bond, without the help of M16 , must stop him with the aid of Camille, a young woman on her own path of revenge.

Quantum Of Solace is a non-stop whirlwind of action, suspense and thrills. The 2-disc DVD contains the movie, featurettes, a music video, crew files and much more from MGM.

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