
Friday, February 5, 2010

Star Wars Top Trumps Tournament

I came across Top Trumps a little over a year ago.  I have to admit I was not familiar with the company.  After looking over their website and checking out their products I was intrigued.  I obtained several of their games and thoroughly enjoyed them.  Not only were they fun to play but they were fun to look at.  Many of the games are taken from popular movies and use photos from each.  Cards are packaged in a rough and tough plastic containers that keep cards clean, sharp and safe.
Top Trumps presents a new twist on their games with its Star Wars Top Trumps Tournament.  Packaged in a lidded game box wrapped in Star Wars photos, the game includes six card packs (Episodes 1-3, Episodes 4-6, Starships, Clone Wars Computer Animated, Clone Wars Cell Animation and Top 30 Moments, pegs and card holder with spinner.
Cards include battle stats such as battle skills and brains.  Gamers select cards from the spinner rack by spin.  Six mini-games are played and gamers add pegs to their score bar.  Whoever gets nine pegs first wins the mini-games.  Players then move onto the final round.  Cards equal pegs and whoever has pegs left wins the game.
Now this is my kind of game.  I don't know about you but I don't have time to get enmeshed in a role-playing game (table or online) or play hours worth of video games.  The entire family can enjoy this game and spend quality game time together.  

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