
Friday, April 16, 2010

Arrrh Me Buckos, it's Safari Ltd.!

Get ready for some high seas adventures with Safari Ltd.'s Swashbuckler Collection.  Colorfully garbed buccaneers sail the seven seas in search of treasure and Safari Ltd. invites you along for the ride.
Captain Thomas "Redbeard" Crowe, the fiery beard, sword brandishing, hook hand swabby comes dressed in a deep green officer jacket, lots of leather belts and buckles, brown britches, Pilgrim boots and a tri-tip hat.  "Avast ye scurvy seadogs!  Heave to and get ready to board!"
Pistol packing Captain Edward "Blackbeard" Leach may have seafaring plans of his own as he takes aim with his twin flintlock pistols.  Dressed in a red coat, gray pants, buccaneer boots and sporting an eye patch over his left eye, Blackbeard is as fierce as they come.
Four seafaring mates are also available including Gunner Phillip Morton with pistol and sword in hand, ace-wielding and barefoot Boatswain Benjamin Jeffrey, one-leg First Mate Jonathan Roberts with his gold pistol and wooden crutch and First Mate Anne Bonny dressed in pants, boots, short gray jacket and brown hat carrying twin pistols and a parrot on her shoulders.
All of The Swashbuckler Collection figures are tightly sculpted, crisply painted and look as if they are ready to jump off their special display stands.
For a different type of 'skullduggery" check out Safari Ltd.'s Dinosaur Skulls Toob filled with Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, Carnotaurus and other species skulls painted in fossilized tans and browns.
The Bundles Of Babies Toob is filled with a collection of cute, cuddly, adorable, precious (I'm running out of adjectives) babies of every race and gender.  Some are in diapers, others in play outfits-all are as cutes a buttons.
When I saw the Prehistoric Sealife Toob's contents it made me glad that I live now and not back in prehistoric times.  There we some ferocious and nasty looking critters back then!
Ollie On A Snail is a diminutive elf dressed in forest greens and browns atop an oversize brown snail.  Talk about some slow transportation.  Regardless, they make a cute couple!

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