
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jeremy & Dad

Andrew McMeel Publishing presents a Zits tribute-ish to fathers and sons by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman.
In typical hilarious fashion the often tenuous relationship between boys and their dads is explored through the eyes of Jeremy Duncan- the tousled hair teenager with the knack for always getting in hot water with his parents.
In this compilation of recent and classics comic strips Jeremy and his father Walt find common ground (especially when it concerns Jeremy’s mom and Walt’s wife) and points of contention-specifically Walt’s lack of techno know how.
Speaking as father of a teenage girl (19) and a son, now 23, I can sympathize and identify with Walt.  Both of my kids seem like they're talking a foreign language when they start spewing techno-babble and yet, like Jeremy and his father, there are things both my children and myself can share a common interest with.
It just so happens, like Jeremy, my son loves old Rock and Roll-much of it from the period I grew up in.  And, like Walt and Jeremy, as we grow older we discover that we have a lot more in common than we thought.
Zits is a wonderful commentary about parents and their kids, sprinkled with humor and yet often containing nuggets of truth.  I read it every chance I get in the newspaper.

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