
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Star Trek: Leonard McCoy Frontier Doctor #1

It’s obvious from the very first panel of Star Trek: Leonard McCoy Frontier Doctor #1, published by IDW Publishing, that writer/artist John Byrne loves Classic Star Trek and especially Doctor Leonard (Bones) McCoy. His writing has pegged Bones perfectly as the crusty old time doctor that he is forced to contend with modern day technology while providing good old fashioned personal care.
In this first story, that takes place just prior to the events in Star Trek: the Motion Picture, Bones has written Kirk a letter telling of his recent adventure as a space-faring Frontier Doctor.

After saving the life of an important Andorian couple’s unborn child, Bones and fellow physician Jon Michel Duncan, board their antique spacecraft and head for their next assignment. But as they go into warp the ship malfunctions because of the extra weight of an Andorian stowaway. Before they can return her to her planet they are called away to the Earth colony on Ophiucus III. It seems that the human inhabitants are being infected by a strange plant virus. After some quick thinking and by making a “logical’ conclusion Bones solves the problem and creates several others. Read the story, you’ll see what I mean.

If you love Star Trek and Doctor McCoy, you’re sure to love this great new book about everyone’s favorite country doctor in space.

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