
Monday, May 10, 2010

Fantasy & Science Fiction #689, May/June

In this issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction John Sladek reveals  The Real Martian Chronicles, Michael Libling discovers Why That Crazy Old Lady Goes Up The Mountain, Fred Chappell tags along with the Thief Of Shadows and Aaron Schutz witnesses the confrontation of Dr. Death Vs. The Vampire.
Watch out for The Crocodiles by Steven Popkes, Elizabeth Bourne supplies A History Of Cadmium, Alex Irvine travels to the Remotest Mansions OF The Blood, Hilary Goldstein avoids the Seven Sins For Seven Dwarves, Dale Bailey enjoy s Silence, Rachel Pollack goes on Forever, Robert Onopa boards The Atchison Topeka & Sante Fe and Lokiko Hall encounters The Gypsy’s Boy.
Other features are books To Look For, Musing On Books, Coming Attractions, Films: Blockbusters A Religious Experience, Competition and Curiosities.  In other words, there’s plenty to read this issue no matter what you’re interested in.  Pick up a copy of F&SF today!

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