
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Rough Couple Of Years

It's been a rough couple of years as far as writing reviews goes.

With the current state of the economy (thanks to the current administration) businesses are hurting financially.  Because of the threat of tax rate increases, the upcoming health care debacle, extended unemployment and the general government animosity towards capitalism, companies are cutting back on staff, product and advertising and promotion.

The last two have really affected me.  It used to be I could request review samples and I would receive them within a short time.  Not any more.

Companies are strapped for revenue, a plethora of  "review" websites have cropped up (many of them no more than those seeking merchandise to sell and not delivering the number of readers they boast), print media is dying and with the failing state of our economy, review samples are few and far between.  I've pride myself that I've always delivered honest reviews, reported conservative readership numbers and did what I say that I was going to do.

I understand the dilemma publishers and manufacturers face. Times are tough.  I've had to cut back on my publications.  It used to be I published a monthly printed newsletter, delivered it and mailed copies.  Ad revenues paid for my expenses. 

Within the last two to three years ad revenue has dried up, printing costs have skyrocketed and postage is not far behind.  I was forced to downsize my print publication to a printable one-page PDF, switch my reviews to my website and blog and no longer mail out samples or deliver them.

Shops and businesses are closing left and right, everyone is hurting financially and let's face it, things aren't looking any better for the future.

I could rant and rave about the current crowd who runs things in Washington-it would be so much hot air.

I can make an observation:  never spend what you don't have, you can't tax or spend your way out of a recession and taxing the "big guys" doesn't affect them-they just pass the costs down to the middle and lower classes.

It seems that the lunatics have escaped from the asylum and are now running it.  Common sense has flown out the window along with integrity, honesty and accountability.  How's that "change" working for you?  I didn't realize that the change that was promised referred to the amount of money I would have left to spend. 

'Nuff said.

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