
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Knights, Egypt, Tree And Cave

"What ho yon varlet!" "I challenge thee to a joust." "Truly then we will see who deserves the mantle of a knight." "Fetch my horse, shield, sword, lance and bludgeon!" "Have at ye!" "For king, queen and country!"

Safari Ltd. travels back to the days of knights, lords and ladies with its horse and knight figures taken from the pages of Medieval history. Any descriptions I give to the figures will seem inadequate. These are truly eye-popping figures. The attention to detail is astounding as well at the paint application, historical accuracy and sculpting.

Each knight with horse is posed as if the knight and steed are in action. Cloths and covering appear to be ruffled by the wind and the stances of both the steeds and knights fairly ripple with motion. These are not static figures. The look as if they were taken right off the battlefield. Weapons are raised and horses are in stride as both riders and mounts synchronized to make short work of any enemy.

Here's what you get. Look for a knight in silver armor with yellow and blue lance, helmet and shoulder accents with a leopard and horn decorated helmet. The horse is similarly decorated in yellow and blue with head and neck armor. Leopard symbols decorate both the knight and horse.

Gold and silver are the colors of the leopard and horn helmeted knight and horse with armor. These looks very similar to the first pairing but with a different color scheme.

The swan knight rides his draped, white cloth steed with feather head decoration and red accents on stirrups and saddle. The knight holds a silver sword and white shield decorated in heraldic symbols also seen on his cape and the horse's coverings.

Twin blue wings decorate the silver, red and yellow knight with mace and shield. His horse is decorated in similar colors with gold stirrups and full cloth coverings.

The red wind blue knight has yellow and red accents and also carries a shield and mace and his horse is also decorated in blue, red and yellow with red wings.

"Walk like an Egyptian!" That's exactly what you'll do when you check out Safari Ltd.'s Egyptian figures. Look for the Thoth and four Egyptian warriors: one with a club knife and staff, a spear thrower with axe and shield, an archer with bow and quiver and a warrior with large shield and curved sword. All are dressed in traditional Egyptian clothing with appropriate decorations, sandals, jewelry and armor.

Go on Safari with the Discovery Rock Cave complete with vines, rough rock exterior and large cave opening. While you're at it why not climb the Pine Tree that measures and impressive seven inches tall after assembly?

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