
Friday, November 12, 2010

Cartoon 360

I teach cartooning to my high school Drawing 1 and 2 classes. The hardest thing to teach them is drawing characters in 3-D poses. In other words, not straight on, directly to one side or back views. Learning how to rotate and pose characters so they look as if they have weight and volume isn't easy.

That's why I appreciate Harry Hamernik's new book from Impact: Cartoon 360: Secrets To Drawing Cartoon People And Poses In 3-D

Harry guides the reader through the basics of figure drawing: heads, hands, poses, clothing, etc. He then proceeds to demonstrate how to draw them in 3-D poses while keeping them in proportion and most importantly: making them look like the same character despite what pose they be in.

Lessons on inking, tracing and computer coloring are also included along with a pictorial supply list of what you need to use to cartoon. It makes for an easy-to-follow and understand guide on how to cartoon different characters in various poses.

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