
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Batman Beyond #1

After having defeated Hush and the Jokerz, Terry McGillis is having the time of his life. As the new Batman taking down two-bit criminal wannabes is like a walk in the park and he’s enjoying every minute-until Bruce Wayne intervenes.

Someone has broken into the Metahuman Facility at the Justice League Watchtower. That person is Mr. Jatts, a disgruntled ex-employee of the Metahuman Evidence Confiscation Unit. Exposed to who knows how many toxic substances over the year, he is dying and nothing can be done to prevent it.

But Mr. Jatts has other plans. A certain Metahuman substance has the ability to change elements. He plans on using it to cure himself-or so he thinks. What it does is give him the ability to control the elements. And he does just that when the Warhawk shows up to find out who has accessed the Metahuman Facility.

Although inexperienced with his new abilities, Mr. Jatts manages to stop Warhawk and escape. The rest of the League arrives in pursuit only to be stopped by Batman for reasons as yet to be revealed.

Batman Beyond by Beechen and Benjamin is off to a good start with a clever story and clean, crisp art. Thrown in the extra DC Universe Online Legends sneak peek and Batman Beyond #1 by DC Comics is worth every penny.

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