
Monday, March 21, 2011

War And Ernest

I love war.  Let me rephrase that.  I love watching documentaries about war. And that's why I'm so excited about four new DVD collection releases from Mill Creek Entertainment.
Come with me as we travel back in time to the first major war of the United States-or rather before the United States was formed.  I'm talking about the Revolutionary War. 

Mill Creek has compiled a 4-disc DVD set containing historically accurate reenactments, commentaries and fascinating glimpses into our nation's past.  Three battles are examined: Cooch's Bridge, Green Spring and Yorktown accompanied by a live action documentary about the life, uniforms and drill of the Continental Soldier from 1775 to 1781.

Jump ahead almost 140 years to the war to end all wars: World War I.  In The Last Voices Of WWI: A Generation Lost, 2 discs contain a gripping 6-part documentary of first-hand testimonials from 100 WWI veterans compiled over 15 years.  

Learn what it was like to battle in the trenches amidst the most horrible conditions possible and what effect the war had on the home front.

Ironically WWI was not the war to end all wars.  A mere three decades later World War II pitted the forces of the Axis against the Allies in a war that nearly destroyed the world.  

The 68 Documentary Set: WWII - The War That Changed The World covers the entire war from its dawn, the fight for freedom, the war in the Pacific, a chilling interlude about Hitler and WWII remembered as recalled by the veterans themselves.

This is the ultimate DVD set about the war that transformed the entire globe and how its effects that are being felt even today over 65 years later.

America's Wars: A 93-Part documentary Collection, comprised of six Mill Creek collections, covers the American Soldier, WWI, WWII, Victory By Air, Korean and Vietnam.  This sweeping documentary collection spotlights America's long history of warfare and as patriotism made way for cynicism.

On a lighter note two classic Ernest movies have been released on Blu-ray: Ernest Goes To Camp and Ernest Goes To Jail.  Jim Varney, who played Ernest, was at his best in the first two features film starring the incredible acting talent of one of America's most unsung and unappreciated comedic talents.  For a good belly laugh be sure to check out both films, "Ya know what I mean Vern?"

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