
Friday, April 8, 2011

Atlas Comics Returns!

Back in the mid-1970s, former owner/publisher of Marvel Comics, Martin Goodman, decided to start a new comic book company to compete against Marvel and DC Comics.  He surmised that the time was right to place a challenge against the big two.

Hiring several comic book professionals, including Larry Lieber, Stan Lee's brother, Goodman created Atlas/Seaboard and went about setting up the editorial and creative staff.

Goodman was able to draw in top talent by offering higher page rates, creator rights and the guaranteed return of artwork.  All three of these were ground-breaking at the time.  Needless to say many creators jumped at the opportunity.  

Several big names such as Neal Adams, Steve Ditko, Wally Wood, Alex Toth and others signed on and came up with some incredible titles.  I bought each and every Atlas title at the time and I still own several. 

Unfortunately the market could not support a new company and due to lackluster sales and some bad management and financial decisions Atlas/Seaboard only lasted about a year.
Few people realize that during that time Direct Sales and comic book shops didn't exist.   Atlas/Seaboard forever changed the comic book industry.  If it were not for Atlas/Seaboard's early changes to how comic books were produced I doubt the present comic book industry benefits and perks would exist in their current form, if at all.

The good new is that Atlas is back with updated versions of some of its original titles and with the goal to eventually publish even more.

Currently The Grim Ghost, Phoenix and Wolf have all been published and I must say I am impressed.  All of the stories are engrossing, the art is well done, as is the coloring.  Veteran comic book creators as well as unknowns have combined their talents to produce a promising new series of titles.  Dubbed Atlas Original, the new company is headed up by Martin Goodman's grandson, Jason Goodman.

It appears Atlas Original is off to a great start if the buzz on the internet and in print media are any indication.   I loved reading Atlas/Seaboard Comics growing up and I have a feeling that I'm going to enjoy reading Atlas original titles just as much.

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