
Monday, May 23, 2011

Things My Daughters Need To Know

As a father of a now grown married woman, I sure could have used author Rodney L. Demery’snew book ‘Things My Daughters Need To Know’ as a guide as she was growing up.

Raising a child, especially a daughter, in today’s society is challenging. With so many guys on the prowl, sexually transmitted diseases, drugs, etc. prevalent in today’s world, it makes for a dangerous place to be, especially if you are a young or teenage girl.

Subtitled ‘A Cop And Father’s View Of Sex, Relationships And Happiness’ Demery’s book offers some sound advice on how to raise a daughter and the dangers to be aware of.

Using his experience as a man and his investigative skills as a homicide detective, Demery gives some sage advice about the do’s and don’ts of dating, marriage, abstinence, monogamy and what a man really looks for in a woman. He folds back the curtain on what men really think, what guides their actions and what women can expect when they enter the dating world.
He writes about how an early life can sculpt what a person will become when they are old, how relationships are complicated and how a free-wheeling single sex life only leaves people hungry for something more than sex. Although I disagree on a few minor items in his book, ‘Things My Daughters Need To Know’ contains some real gems of advice. Pick up a copy today from RootSky Books.

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