
Monday, May 16, 2011

Wild Card: The Promise And Peril Of Sarah Palin

She charismatic, controversial, opinionated, headstrong, slightly naïve, conservative, Christian and one of the most loved and reviled political figures to come along in decades. She’s loved by Conservatives and the Christian right, hated by the Liberal left and the majority of Democrats-she’s Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and real contender for heavy hitting politics (maybe even the White house) in the near future.

Books written about the former beauty queen and self-proclaimed hockey mom tend to either praise or pan her. Author Mark Joseph chooses to present the facts and let readers decide where they stand on her politics and personal life.

Despite whichever view you may take Sarah Palin is here to stay and this book gives readers excellent historical and political references by which they may judge her actions and inevitable her rise to power.

Her politics, religious beliefs, family life and political aspirations are all examined in-depth. The book is a fair and balanced examination of Palin’s life and ambitions told from a strictly fact-gathering point of view. Palin lovers will have more reasons to adore her while her detractors will gather more ammo to despise her after reading this book published by Bully! Pulpit Books.

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