
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sucker Punch

Regardless of your opinion of director Zack Snyder's latest movie, Sucker Punch, may be everyone can agree that the visual look and feel of the movie is phenomenal.
Never before have visual effects been used so effectively in a movie's storyline. Everything from the costumes, fight scenes, scenarios, and computer generated sets, effects, characters and atmosphere synched perfectly with the pounding soundtrack, quick and quirky dialogue and memorable characters.
In Titan Books' and Zack Snyder's new book: The Art Of The Film Sucker Punch, a complete visual chronicle of the film is laid out in full color photos beginning with character and set designs, color and lighting tests, production illustrations, visual effects, fight choreography and all other pre and post production stages are addressed.

It's a visual and imagination-stimulating book that allows readers to delve into the creative mind of one of the most innovative new writer and director to ever assemble a film in decades.

As a designer myself I am stunned and awed at the pure creativity that oozes from both the film and book.

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