
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Thor #411 and # 412

For a real rompin’ stompin’ slugfest featuring Thor and Juggernaut then be sure to pick up copies of both Thor #411 and 412.

This is one the best Juggernaut stories every created in my opinion.

You really get to see just how powerful old Juggy is.  Only the mystic power of Thor’s hammer stopped his rampage and that was by teleporting him to another location.

Oh, and as a side note for you key moment collectors out there issues 411 and 412 also introduced to the Marvel Universe The New Warriors consisting of Speedball, Namorita, Firestar, Kid Nova, Marvel Boy and Night Thrasher.

The issues also contain a continuing Beta Ray Bill adventure.

Both issues were put out in 1989: 42 years ago!   Hard to believe since I bought them off the newsstand.  How time flies.

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