
Saturday, June 5, 2021

Times Have Changed

When I first began Boyce McClain’s Collectors’ Corner (originally Comics Corner) I produced one of a few self-published newsletters.

Other than larger publications like The Comics Buyer’s Guide and smattering of fan publications, Collectors’ Corner was unique.

After a great deal of work and research I had compiled a respectable list of contacts in comic books, toys, books, games, etc.

Via snail mail and early e-mail I would request review samples and received more than I requested.  Believe me, it was pretty daunting going though everything.  Often I would come home from work and be faced with a small mountain of merchandise.

As time progressed more and more contacts were established through the Internet.  As a result more and more other individuals started their own blogs, YouTube channels and other social media outlets.

Review samples dwindled and arrived less frequently.

As I write this I receive very few review items.  Sadly because so many sites have been created (most of which only update or post sporadically) it has affected how much I receive to review.

It’s ironic that the very hobbies I promoted grew and prospered only to relegate my blog as a small potato.  Never mind the fact that I consistently turn out reviews and have been writing reviews almost 30 years.

Larger sites snag most review samples and even those are receiving fewer and fewer as publishers and manufacturers establish their own sites and skip product promotions via other sites.

What printed review samples that do arrive are PDFs, video games and movies are streamed and most other pop culture collectible manufacturers don’t even bother to send any type of review samples-digital or physical.

But, I still have hope that things will turn around.  I’ve seen stranger things happen.

As it is I review what items I do receive.  Mostly I pull from my own collection of books, comic books, toys, diecast, etc. and write ’retro-reviews”.

I like to write and it’s better to write about what I do have than not write at all.

I’ve attempted to branch out and review items other than collectibles with limited success.

It’s a pity because those companies that do send out review samples like my reviews and often comment that my reviews are unlike the majority seen online.

I tend to personalize my reviews, add a few interesting notes and delve into the more than just the objects themselves.  Since my background is in graphic design and marketing I tend to look at merchandise as much more than objects.

I delve into packaging, printing and production.  I look at product quality and the skill it took to create such objects.

Perhaps one day publishers and manufacturers will realize my reviews offer much more than, “Gee and golly! Aren’t these objects great!” reviews.

And so it goes.

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