
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Eternal Warrior #1

Straight from his first appearance in Valiant Comics' Solar Man Of The Atom #10 comes Eternal Warrior in his own series beginning with number one.

A personal note: I was one of the few people who started out with the original Valiant Comics headed by Jim Shooter.  This was back in the day when Valiant printed only about 20,000 copies a month for each title.

The company started out originally promoting Mario Bros. and then expanded to old Gold Key properties that Jim had secured the rights to.

The first series was Magnus Robot Fighter and then Solar, Man Of The Atom.  From there it slowly expanded to about another half dozen properties.  

This was all prior to the Unity crossover event.  After Unity (and Jim Shooter’s forced departure) Valiant still produced a few good titles but saturated the market and fell into the speculator ‘special issue’ trap.  

Honestly I lost interest in Valiant titles not long after Unity.  It’s no coincidence that the early Valiant issues are sought after by collectors.  The prices continue to rise-mainly due to the small print numbers.

It’s hard to believe sometimes that the original Valiant Comics Universe was created 30 years ago!

Issue #1 of Eternal Warrior was incorporated into Valiant's first big crossover event: Unity.

Frank Miller provided the dynamic cover, John Dixon the internal art and Jim Shooter the story.

The story elaborates on the Eternal Warrior’s origin beginning back in pre-history and swiftly jumps to present day when he is suddenly transported away to take part in the Unity epic.

Galatians 2:20 - I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

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