
Friday, October 1, 2021

The Flash The Complete Seventh Season

When it comes to DC Comics the ‘big three’ have always been Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

Second-tier DC superheroes are Green Lantern, The Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, The Atom, Aquaman and The Flash.

Of all of the heroes mentioned The Flash is the most under utilized and unappreciated in my opinion.

Often sluffed off as a ‘guy who can run really fast’ The Flash is so much more.

This is a guy that can outrace time and the speed of light!  He is the avatar of the Speed Force and is capable of vibrating through objects and has proven himself capable of taking on some of DC Comics major bad guys.

In the comic book he has one of most interesting back-stories and his supporting cast of characters are some of the best.

It then should come as no surprise that The Flash TV show has gone through seven seasons with more to come.

The TV show adheres pretty faithfully to the comic book with a few tweaks.

After Green Arrow went off the air The Flash TV series became the nexus of the broadcast DC Universe.

A lot has happened in the TV series and things really kicked into high gear with the seventh season.

With the death of the Speed Force The Flash (Barry Allen) lost his powers.  He regained them, but at a cost, Iris West/Allen was trapped in the Mirrorverse, several of the Flash’s team are transported back through time, a one-time villain is given a second chance and to top things off several of The Flash’s major villains turn up.

Team Flash had their hands full and at the end of the season tragedy strikes.

In Warner Bros.' The Flash The Complete Seventh Season Blu-ray/Digital Code collection, all 18 episodes are included along with several special features.

Look for several featurettes, a gag reel and deleted scenes.

Isaiah 55:8 (NKJV) “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.”

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