
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Barbarians Featuring Ironjaw #1

When Atlas Comics premiered in the early 1970s the former owner of Marvel Comics (Martin Goodman) hoped to rival Marvel Comics impressive sales numbers.

He had foolishly sold the rights to Marvel Comics and regretted it.  What better way to regain his fortune and save face than creating a comic book publisher that would rival Marvel Comics-perhaps even outsell it?

Goodman decided to follow Marvel’s editorial, writing and art style with his books.  Part of the reason was that with any luck Marvel Comics’ readers would mistake Atlas Comics for Marvel Comics.

The plan didn’t work and in less than a year Atlas folded.

Many of Atlas's titles were blatant rip-offs of Marvel properties.

One such title: Ironjaw was basically Conan The Barbarian with a metal lower jaw.

Barbarians Featuring Ironjaw #1 was one of the better Atlas comic book series.  The first issue consisted of two stories.  Writers included Gary Friedrich and Rolf Kauka with art by Bardon and Pablos Marcos.

The first tale follows Ironjaw as he’s captured by a deadly queen, rescues a damsel in distress and fights a giant warrior.

In the second story Decathlon competitor Michael Rush is an unwitting percipient in a scientist’s experiments.  The result, Michael finds himself awakening 2,000 years in the future where civilization has been destroyed.  

He soon finds himself for the fight of his life against a horrible mutant and discovers his dire circumstances.

It’s a pity Atlas Comics did not survive because although the company was a Marvel Comics wannabe I believe after a short time it would have eventually found its own voice.

I’d like to take a moment here to mention something.

As I’ve grown older I’ve learned to appreciate the many blessings God has bestowed on my wife and I.  He’s always provided for us-met our needs and above all guided our lives.

I consider it a wonderful gift that God has allowed me to enjoy collecting comic books and other stuff over the years.  I do not take any of it for granted.  I know that in reality I am only ’borrowing’ the items for nothing is truly mine.  

Life is short and like all things it will end.  But, as a wonderful consequence I know I’ll spend eternity with my savior and be reunited with my loved ones forever.  No pain, no tears, no sin and the unconditional love of God.  

What more could anyone ask for?

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

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