
Sunday, December 26, 2021

DC Super-Stars Presents The Teen Titans #1 (11, 24)

During the mid-1970s DC Comics enlarged its catalog of comic books.  Known as the DC Explosion, the publisher doubled its monthly number of comic book titles.

One such title: DC Super-Stars, reprinted many classic DC comic book titles: The Teen Titans #1 (11, 24) was one such comic book.

The first issue reprinted two classic Teen Titans tales: one from issue #11 and one from issue # 24.  It also included a character gallery of the Teen Titans.

As Silver and Bronze Age comic books continue to rise in value more and more collectors are seeking out reprint issues.

Even these issues are rising in price but being reprints they usually only rise in value a fraction of what their first print cousins do,

For a nostalgic, hip trip down Memory Lane pick up a copy of DC Super-Stars Presents The Teen Titans #1 that reprints some early Silver Age adventures of the original Teen Titans with art by Nick Cardy and Gil Kane with scripts by Bob Haney.

Sure they’re corny, ripe with aged slang and somewhat silly but the original tales are still a lot of fun to read.

Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) “But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

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