
Friday, December 10, 2021

The Golden Age of Television

Every person has their favorite period of TV history.  But, experts agree that The Golden Age of Television occured during the 1940s to the 1960s.

For you non-Baby boomers out here The Golden Age Of Television included many classic series like I Love Lucy, Leave It To Beaver, Gunsmoke, Cheyenne, The Naked City and other period shows of all genres.

You must remember that TV was in its infancy and there was a lot of experimentation going on from product merchandising, length of shows, to what type of shows, etc.

Having been born in 1953 I remember many of the 1950s TV shows when they first aired.  I was there in the 1960s when TV exploded into different genres.  

The sixties, to me, was the most experimental period, in the 1970s TV had pretty much settled on formats and unfortunately began producing far too many mediocre shows that spoon-fed audiences formulaic stories.

Regardless of what period of TV history you enjoy the most, this book is a great vehicle by which you can travel to the dawn of TV and ride along as it changes, mutates, adapts and evolves.

The photos of classic TV shows, actors and actresses during the formative era of TV serve to remind me of how much things have changed, the incredible talent that have passed away and of a more innocent era.

There’s even a section about British TV.

The Golden Age Of Television by Rick Marschall and published by Exeter Books, provides a wonderful stroll down TV’s Memory Lane.

Psalm 46:10 (NIV) “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

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