
Sunday, January 16, 2022


I was sitting in church today listening to my pastor’s message.  He talked about Paul’s ministry and how he had a major about face and instead of persecuting Christians, he became one.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my blog.

I've caught myself being overly concerned about receiving review items so that I can continue to write reviews.

And then it hit me.  As much as I like receiving review items from companies it’s far more important that I witness to people via my e-mail, my blog reviews and commentaries.

I’m constantly sending out e-mails to various new companies (and my existing contacts).  At the end of my e-mail signature is John 3:16:

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

It’s God’s simple plan of salvation.  It is my desire that whoever receives my e-mail will read the passage and will get saved or at least it will peak their interest enough to investigate the scriptures.

Should they visit my blog I have John 3:16 predominantly displayed, along with a link explaining salvation.

So, here’s where the epiphany comes in.  It’s not so much about the reviews and review items; it’s about seeing people get saved.

Of course continuing to get review items and securing new items would be nice.  However should the review samples continue to dwindle I still have plenty of my own ‘stuff’ to review.  Think of them as ‘retro’ reviews.

I’ve switched my emphasis to spreading the gospel and I’ll let God provide the review items if he so chooses.

To all those companies that have provided review items over the years, thank you, it is appreciated.  For those new to my blog should you decide to provide review samples another big thank you.

My hope is you take the message of salvation to heart and get saved.  This life is short and no amount of things, good deeds or social status will get you to heaven-only Jesus Christ will.

He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.

God bless.

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