
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

DC Comics OMAC #1

When artist/writer John Byrne asked about what was the one work he was most proud of he said, “The OMAC (One Man Army Corps) mini-series from DC Comics".

The OMAC series centered on Buddy Blank, the human persona of the super-powered being OMAC granted powers by the orbiting Brother Eye.

When something goes wrong in the time stream, OMAC/Buddy must traverse the web and flow of time to repair it.

The adventure gave Byrne the opportunity to let his imagination run wild.

Ever since John Byrne began drawing comic books his work has progressed and improved n stages.  It was true with his early Marvel and DC and his independent publisher projects.

To add to the nostalgic look of the series the complete story was done in black and white with ziptone shading.  Byrne used a similar technique when he did Namor The Sub-Mariner for Marvel Comics.

The OMAC mini-series was a major turning point in the drawing and writing career of John Byrne in my opinion.

Having successfully defeated the rampaging hoards that devastated and terrorized a lone group of post apocalyptic survivors OMAC leaves their encampment to go after the real culprit-Mr. Big.

As he slowly approaches the high-tech headquarters of Mr. Big OMAC battles troops and heavily armored vehicles to finally breach the wall of the compound.

After he successfully stops some genetically augmented warriors OMAC comes face-to-face with a wizened, old and nearly dead Mr. Big-whom he promptly kills.

Just as the final blow is given OMAC is whisked away through time by an old friend(s).

It seems Mr. Big has been mucking around with the timeline and its up to OMAC to stop the changes.  He enters the time chamber and is instantly transported back in time where he suddenly finds himself transformed into Buddy Blank, his weak human counterpart.

What happens next? Stay tuned as the story upholds in three more gripping issues from DC Comics.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV) “To everything there is a season,A time for every purpose under heaven:..”

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