
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

My Brother Richard

Richard Bicknell, my half brother, passed away just over a month ago.  He was the last of my siblings.  He lived to be 80 years old, beating both of my other half brothers, Dallas and Jim, who passed away at 78 years old.

We used to kid about it.  He was bound and determined to reach 80.

Their wives also passed away, leaving only my nephews and nieces and their children.

I moved away from Michigan in 1973 and have been living in Florida since then, with a brief two-years spent in Texas.

Richard was the closest to me in age.  I’m 69.  Over the past 15 years or so we’d grown especially close.  I visited him several times over the years. The last time was not quite two years ago.

While visiting we talked about our lives, families, faith and final destination.

Rich was saved, as am I. We agreed that that when our time came we wanted no big fanfare-just a simple family goodbye and cremation.  

Rich told me not to attend his funeral, as he preferred to say his goodbye in person.  Somehow I knew that the last time I saw him, it would be the last. I believe he did too.

His family gave him a memorial. I did not attend, per his wishes.

His eldest son, Rick, contacted me and told me that they sold his father’s house and was in the process of going through his things.

He told me that my brother wanted to make sure that I received a few items from him that I would appreciate.  Just like Rich to think of others first.  This review/tribute is about him and the items he sent.

Rich knew I was a big Star Trek fan.  He made sure my nephew would send me two pewter Star Trek Enterprises: one from the original series and one from Enterprise.  Also included was a small original series plastic Enterprise and large Enterprise in a snow glob that lights up.

Both of the pewter Enterprises come on swinging displays with sound chips of quotes from each series.

I won’t take the time to go into a great deal of detail about the miniature ships other than to say they are accurate to the ships and are pretty cool to look at.

I have them displayed in a place of honor in my mancave.

My nephew also sent me a framed picture of my three brothers and three of just Rich along with his voter I.D. Card.

I miss my brothers.  Rich was the last and I couldn’t have asked for a better brother or friend.  We kept in touch over the years and called each other almost every week.

This last year was pretty rough.  His health declined and I know he was in a great deal of pain.  I’m so glad that he was saved and now resides in heaven with his savior and is reunited with his two brothers, mom and other relatives and friends.

This is not good-bye, rather it’s “I’ll see you later.”

Love you Rich and thanks for being there.  

John 14:6 (NKJV) “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

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