
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Dealing With The Times

If you’ve been a regular reader of my blog you’ve probably noticed something.

Most of my reviews are of older objects whether they are comic books, books, toys, etc.

There are good reasons why.

During these hard economic times publishers, manufacturers and businesses have cut back on the number of review items they send out.

With the rise of shipping and manufacturing costs it’s easy to see why,

Although I review a lot of old objects I do review new items when provided by manufactures and publishers.  I have to admit the amount is dwindling.  So it goes.

I suppose I could have stopped writing reviews a long time ago but I do so love writing.  Why not review my own personal collection of things?

I’m grateful to those companies that do provide review samples.

I hope that those who do read my reviews enjoy them.  I would love to increase my audience.  Tell your friends-I would appreciate it.

To those companies that wish to have their products reviewed all I ask is that you send samples.

I don’t review PDFs, streaming videos and games or from press releases.

Would you ask a food critic to review food from photos?

I am what many refer to as a ‘tire kicker’.

I want to see the object, to hold it, to examine it up close and then write my review.

I’ve written thousands of reviews over the years and I hope to write more.

I believe I provide good, solid and truthful reviews.  I do not take my responsibility as a writer lightly.

Matthew 5:16
(NKJV) “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

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