
Thursday, May 5, 2022

Classic Western TV: Bat Masterson Best of Season 1

Back when the West was very young
There lived a man named Masterson
He wore a cane and derby hat
They called him Bat, Bat Masterson

A man of steel, the stories say
But women's eyes all glanced his way
A gambler's game he always won
His name was Bat, Bat Masterson

The trail that he blazed is still there
No one has come since, to replace his name
And those with too ready a trigger
Forgot to figure on his lightning cane

Now in the legend of the west
One name stands out of all the rest
The man who had the fastest gun
His name was Bat, Bat Masterson

There was a time when Westerns ruled the TV airways.

At first the shows were aimed at kids but soon adult Westerns cropped up and became incredibly popular.

One of the first ‘adult’ Westerns was Bat Masterson starring Gene Barry.

While only a half hour long the Bat Masterson show always managed to set up a conflict and resolve it in short order.

Quick scene to scene cuts made that possible.  Sets were small, location shooting was at a minimum and scenes were short for quick acting and editing.

The Best of Season 1 2-disc DVD set  from
TGG Direct, LLC includes 12 episodes-all in back and white.

In each episode Bat Masterson manages to come out on top.  In his three-piece suit, black derby hat and white shirt and brandishing his trademark black cane with its gold pommel and tip, he looks like a dandy.

Bad guys tend to laugh him off until he draws his custom silver revolver and clubs them with his cane.

The gentleman gambler charms the ladies, fights for justice and always gets his man.

James 1:19 (NIV)”My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

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