
Friday, May 27, 2022

More Than Just A Price Guide: Fan #1

There was a time back in the mid-1990s that comic books were experiencing a boom in sales.

Dubbed ‘The Speculator Glut’ comic books were selling in the hundreds of thousands per issue, some in the millions.

With the prosperity of the market a number of publications about comic books sprung up, Fan being one of them.

I was in comic book heaven back then and I read each magazine about comic books such as Fan, Combo, Hero, Wizard and many more.  In fact I still have many of the issues-they make for great research material.

I enjoyed reading each and every issue of fan and from each I learned a great deal.

The first issue of Overstreet's Fan sported a fold out Superman/Alien front cover/poster by Dan Jurgens and Kevin Nowlan.

Inside Newz brought readers up to date on the current happenings in the industry in 1995.

Readers were treated to articles about Superman and Aliens, Shaquille O’Neal, an Animation Primer, Star Wars, Wildstorm, Lady Rawhide, a Peter David commentary and movie reviews.

Continuing on the magazine talked about Vertigo, Black Lightning, Spawn, Badrock and offered Market Reports.

Also reviews, a price guide, fan mail, Manga, Trading Cards and much more were included.

It was a jam-packed issue and Overstreet’s delivered a first-rate publication.

Psalm 29:2 (KJV) “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”

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