
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Darkstar #1

DC Comics Darkstar characters always seemed to me to be second tier Green Lanterns.  Issue #1 delves more into the mission and operations of the Darkstars.

What makes the series especially interesting is that after the series began a new, young artist took over the pencils.  That artist, Travis Charest, would soon blossom into one of the most accomplished illustrators in the industry.

In the first issue Darkstar, Sata-breath is starting to find his occupation a bore.

He’s dispatched to a distant planet to thwart a pack of alien thugs from committing a kidnapping.

He returns home to his base and is reprimanded by his superior for his lackluster performance.

His next assignment takes him to Earth. He discovers a certain criminal organization is in cahoots with a nasty alien crime lord.

While investigating the criminal activities the Darkstar reluctantly takes on a human partner to aid him in his assignment to stop the human/alien drug cartel.

It’s a pretty cut and dry story-at first.  Things get interesting in the last two pages when the police come face to face with a giant alien killer.

Darkstar had a lot of potential but never really caught on with readers.  It struggled in its print run eventually disappearing from shelves.

2 Timothy 1:7
(NKJV) “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

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