
Thursday, June 23, 2022

Fantastic Beasts The Secrets Of Dumbledore

Warner Bros. presents the latest adventures of Newt Scamander with its Fantastic Beasts The Secrets Of Dumbledore Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Code Combo Pack.

A big ‘thank you’ to Warner Bros. for the review sample.

Newt is given the tremendous responsibility by Albus Dumbledore to lead a group of wizards, friends and a Muggle to stop the maniacal and powerful Dark Wizard Gelbert Grundelwald.

The unlikely troop of magicians and laymen set about on a dangerous mission to stop Grundelwald and his mad scheme to blanket the world in darkness and wage a war against the Muggles.

The Secrets Of Dumbledore features some of the most imaginative creatures, locations and magical sequences of all the Wizarding World movies.

Elements of the Harry Potter movies pop up now and again and viewers soon discover things are not always as they appear.

What of Dumbledore, his brother, the Muggles, Newt Scamanger, Grunewald, the wizards of dark and light and humanity cause them all to be intertwined and linked to one another?

Dark secrets and unknown places and creatures are revealed.

Fantastic Beasts The Secrets Of Dumbledore Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Code Combo Pack also includes expansive featurettes and deleted scenes.

It’s magic, it’s mayhem and it’s more than you expect.

Matthew 19:14 (KJV) “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

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