
Sunday, July 24, 2022

12-inch Figure: Reservoir Dogs Mr. Brown

It’s not often a director of a film also costars in their film, especially one of their first films.

That’s exactly what Quentin Tarantino did in his bloody crime film Reservoir Dogs.

Tarantino is known for his over the top violent and bloody films and Reservoir Dogs tops the list.

Reservoir Dogs is a film about a bunch of guys who pull a jewelry heist only to have it blow up in their faces.  Lies, deceit, double crosses, hidden agendas, false identities and lots of blood and violence all combine to make the film a cult classic.

This is the first film by Tarantino which would establish him as one of the most unique movie directors of all time.  Told in a back and forth through time fashion the film breaks many of the film standards of the time.

Ironically Tarantino as Mr. Brown gets killed early in the film.

Palisades Toys released two series of 12-inch fully articulated Reservoir Dogs figures.  Mr. Brown comes from the first series.

The resemblance to Tarantino is remarkable right down to his pale skin, the slightly jutting lower jaw, heavy brow and dark eyebrows, the small intense eyes and the receding hairline match the actor/director to a tee.

The sculpt work on the face is well done.  The figure’s hands are preset to hold the various weapons and accessories that come with the figure.

Paint application is clean, well defined for each area and has subtle shade differences giving the face a more realistic look.

The figure, as well as the accessories, are held in place by a plastic cocoon and straps where necessary.  A special Reservoir Dogs stand is also included.

A clear plastic sheet covers the figure and accessories and when the flip lid of the box is closed only the head and upper chest of the figure can be seen.

Mr. Brown comes dressed in solid black suit with a three-button coat with four pockets, black shoes and tie and white shirt.

The cloths fit loosely enough so the figure can move easily with no binding or bunching of material.

Stitching and buttons are to scale and the quality of the figure and clothing is first rate.

Included with the Mr. Brown figure are a.45 automatic pistol, a .38 Snub Nose, a Shoulder Holster, a Pack of Smokes, a Cigarette, a Lighter, Sunglasses, a CD Case with CD and an Alternate Head with a bullet hole and blood.

Overall it’s an impressive package, nicely sculpted, painted and detailed and a great collector item.

1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.”

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