
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Adrian Turner On Goldfinger-The Best Bond Film?

Of all the James Bond films Goldfinger is the ‘gold’ standard by which all other Bond films are measured.

Goldfinger firmly established the ‘formula’ for Bond films for decades to come.

Goldfinger is by far my favorite James Bond film with Skyfall close behind it.

Sean Connery will always be the ultimate James Bond.  After all he set the pace and the look of the character.

Goldfinger set the precedent for all Bond movies that followed.  Key elements were introduced or played up from previous films.  They included:

  • A separate introductory mission completely separate from the main movie plot.  In this instance Bond destroying a cocaine operation.
  • The trademark gun barrel opening graphic leading into a film theme song (Goldfinger by Shirley Easton is still considered one of the best).
  • An opening title sequence with lots of scantily clad women.
  • Tongue-in-cheek humor.
  • Bond’s banter with Q, Moneypenny and M.
  • Gadgets of all sorts-including a customized gadget laden car.  The Aston Martin in the film is now the most famous car in the world.
  • A maniacal, genius and ego-driven madman villain bent on world domination of one sort of another.
  • His formidable head henchmen.  In Goldfinger Oddjob set the tone for all the following bad guy henchmen.
  • A car chase.
  • A bad girl who goes good after being seduced by James Bond (Pussy Galore).
  • A elaborate high-tech villain lair.
  • An army of trained killers financed by the villain.
  • Lots of explosions and fights.
  • The final confrontation between Bond and the villain, who is always killed.
  • Bond getting the girl at the end of the film.

In Adrian Turner On Goldfinger Bloomsbury Movie Guide No. 2  the Goldfinger film is examined from head to toe.

Cast, crew, locations, gadget, villains, women, fashion, production, location scouting and other production tidbits fill the book.

Readers learn little known facts about the film from in back and in front of the camera and so much more.

It’s an extremely comprehensive book about what many consider the best James Bond film ever made.  Throw in archival photos and the book deliver like a martini “shaken not stirred”.

Philippians 4:19 (NKJV) “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

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