
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Spy Vs Spy The Complete Casebook-Is Cuba Responsible?

What happens when political cartoonist Antonio Prohias flees Cuban when it fell to Fidel Castro and the Communists?  Why he moves to the United States of course and joins MAD Magazine’s usual bunch of idiots.

He created Spy Vs. Spy the hilarious illustrated  hi-jinx of two spies: one dress all n white an done in all black, who were constantly trying to outwit, eliminate and one-up each other.

It was never clear as to what countries they represented-but it really didn’t matter.

I vividly remember the Cuban Missile conflict, The cold War and the imminent threat of nuclear annihilation.

It seemed like spies and international espionage was everywhere.

Practically you heard or read about Russia or foreign agents spies being discovered, covert activities uncovered and the tension between the United states, the U.S.S.R. and Cuba at the breaking point.

It was a scary time to be alive because you never knew when your next day might be your last.

That’s why Spy Vs. Spy was a welcome humorous relief.

The Spy Vs. Spy The Complete Casebook, published by Watson-Guptill,  opens with a lengthy piece about the artist's life and some personal memories from his son.

From there the book introduces readers to Prohias’s pre-MAD artwork and then transitions into his early work for MAD.

The oversize softbound book contains dozens of Spy Vs. Spy black and white strips through the decades.

It also includes the artist’s non-Spy work as well as his color work when MAD magazine began printing in full color.

It’s an impressive collection of work crated by a man who suffered personal loss, witnessed the takeover of his country and still managed to find humor despite his hardships.

With the current tension in politics and the international stage Spy Vs. Spy is as relevant today as it was when it was first introduced.

Spy Vs. Spy was one of my favorite MAD strips as I grew up reading the magazine.  It amazed me then and now how with such a simple premise the artist was about to come up with new and unique scenarios that still seemed fresh and contemporary.

2 Corinthians 10:4 (KJV) “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)”

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