
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tales Of Suspense #82-Who Is The Real Captain America?

Captain America takes on the Adaptoid.  In Marvel Comics Tales Of Suspense #82 the shape shifting, power-copying Adaptoid is introduced.  

In the story Captain America is suddenly jumping through time and facing past foes in rapid succession only to have them disappear. Disoriented, dazed and exhausted Cap passes out in the arms of The Avengers’ butler, Jarvis.

Only it’s not Jarvis but an android that had recently escaped from a secret scientific compound operated by A.I.M.

The android, known as an Adaptoid, disguises itself as Jarvis and as Cap sleeps it assumes his form and takes over his identity.

The Adaptoid would later become a deadly foe of The Avengers and assume the identify of The Super-Adaptoid.

In the second part of an Ironman tale, ol’ Shellhead battles The Titanium Man who not only is stronger but faster as well.  All looks lost as The Titanium Man threatens to electrocute Pepper Potts unless Ironman surrenders.

I love these old Silver Age issues.  They always managed to pack a lot of story into each issue.  Not only were the stories and art awesome but the advertisements, letters pages and sneak peeks were just a much fun to read and look at.  Make Mine Marvel!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV) “Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

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