
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Static #1

In this age of social justice, equality and minority representation in film, print and on TV DC Comics was ahead of the trend when it introduced its Milestone imprint starring minorities in all of its titles.

One such title: Static, had the distinction of not only being a comic book but and animated series as well.  In fact, that was my first experience with Static.  

The character looked slightly different as the comic book version. The animated series was not quite as edgy but it was fun nonetheless.

The Special #1 Static release included a Static comic book, trading card, three posters and a placard.  All were sealed in special plastic sheath.

It starred an electrically charged black youth who lived in the inner city that fought crime.  It was edgy, relevant and promoted minorities as superhumans.

John Paul Leon provided the dynamic art and Noelle C. Giddings the color work.

As to the color work-it was slightly unconventional at the time, as it looked more like watercolors than computer or traditional comic book color work.

It gave the book a unique more realistic look.

A sealed in the bag comic book goes for around $150.

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

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