
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Champions #17

He may have not have drawn issue #17 of Marvel Comics’ The Champions but he did ink it.

Artist John Byrne (known as the artist that catapulted The Uncanny X-Men to superstardom and made Wolverine the mutant he is today) inked over George Tuska’s art in issue #17 of Marvel Comics' The Champions.

In a way it is the first work John Byrne did that featured characters from The Uncanny X-Men series (Iceman, Angel and the Sentinels).

John’s inks really livened up Tuska’s sometimes-stilted figures.

The cover features The Champions battling it out with the Sentinels and sports the appropriate blurb: The Champions Last Stand!

The Champion’s is a perfect example of overlooked Bronze Age titles.

While most collectors are looking for the ‘key’ issues there is a plethora of first-rate Bronze Age stories that have some important spotlight moments.  

The Champions #17 is a perfect example of this as mentioned above.  

I predict that this issue will become a collector’s item just for the fact that it contains some of John Byrne’s first X-Men work.

Add that to the fact that fan favorites like Black Widow and Ghost Rider also appear in the book and it’s a sure-fire win-win.

1 John 1:9 (NIV) “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

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