
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Fire, Ice and Warrior Dragons

Every once in awhile a toy line comes out that redefines the medium.  The attention to detail, imagination, sculpting-the works forces the toy industry to take a quantum leap in quality and innovation.

McFarlane Toys’ Dragons series was one such release.

The three Dragons I’m reviewing came from the later release of the characters.  The packaging had changed from a hanger with an extended flap to a hangar/standup clear plastic package with the Dragons held in place by form-fitting plastic cocoons.

Along the bottom is a pasted on strip of paper with the name of the Dragons on the front along with the McFarlane Toys Dragons logo. On the back of each package is a gallery of the other Dragons in the set.

You would expect the Fire Dragon to be red in color-it is not and for good reason.

The Fire Dragon is a huge heavy beast with very pronounced scales covering its entire body and tail.

The sculptors cleverly made the back and tail fins red.  This gives the dragon the appearance of having flames coming from its back and tail.

The huge lizard has its massive mouth open revealing its long rows of yellow teeth.  Its bright yellow eyes are made even more intense by the slightly yellow tinted face and the large black spikes on each side of its jaw.

Four long, flat horns protrude from the back of its head.  Several small red spikes adorn the top of its head and snout.

The four legged beast has large black talons and black spikes jutting out from its rear haunches.

Segmented light green/white scales cover its abdomen and lower tail.

Two large wings with bat-like membranes have black spikes extending from the end of its folded wings

The beast has a long spiked tail wrapped around its lower body.

The Fire Dragon also comes with a jagged rock outcrop to which it attaches and poses.

Color application is impressive with its many hues and the sculpt work, especially on the scales and is amazing and finely detailed.

The Warrior Dragon has the color of a rock outcropping with hints of green moss.  His large head with its massive jaws and rows of sharp teeth and lashing red tongue is enough to scare the most fearless warriors away.

Large horns that curl downward and forward decorate both sides of its spiny skull.  

The dragon’s body looks more like plates of leather than scales with its powerful muscles and under frame easily seen at all angles.

It’s powerful front legs end in three finger hands with long sharp black claws.

Its legs have three clawed toes

Running down the sides of the dragon and its inner legs and arms is a green section of scales that also runs down the length of its tail.

The tail ends in a striated point.  Segmented plates are most obvious on the twisting tail.  It’s easy to see how the plates lap over each other.

The dragon’s wings are folded with the membranes between the spins green in color.

When posed the dragon sits on a brown rocky spire consisting of two small peaks.

The Ice Dragon's skin looks like jagged gray stone-much like a stony outcropping.  It’s chest torso, neck, tail and wings look as if they are covered in white frost and snow.  Its large outset wings with its red ice tattoo has icicles clinging to their tips and spines.

The long serpentine neck is slightly twisted and its head and spin has translucent spikes/horns.

It has red eyes underneath its heavy brow and its open mouth reveals the same type of translucency of its teeth.  Translucent spikes decorate its upper and lower snout.

Segmented sections reach from the top of its neck to the bottom of its tail-all of which look pieces of ice.

Three clawed hands and feet equip the mighty beast for battle while its armor plated torso protects it from the deadliest of battles.

The Ice Dragon stands upright with its mighty arms bent at its elbows and the large hands open and ready for a fight.

Its legs are braced and its tail twists upward to just above its head.  The powerful wings are unfurled.

Included with the dragon is snowy crag of rock that attaches to the dragon for display.

Romans 12:2 (NKJV) “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

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