
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #1

Back in 1970 when Jack Kirby left Marvel Comics to start a new comic book saga at DC Comics the series would be dubbed The Fourth World.

It’s scope was huge and Kirby intermingled The New Gods, Mr. Miracle, The Forever People and Jimmy Olsen Superman’s Pal titles into a multi-tiered epic that still has ramifications felt today in DC Comics.

Back in the late 1990s writer/artist Jon Byrne headlined a new comic book series called Jack Kirby’s Fourth World.  Only Byrne with his fertile imagination and reverence for Jack’s work could have pulled off such a tribute and series.

Walt Simonson provided the cover for the first issue and John Byrne the interior along with the story.

The first issue gave a quick rundown the Fourth World starting with the creation of the universe and the twin worlds of Genesis and Apokolips along with the planet Earth and the other populated worlds in the galaxy.

Reader witnessed the birth and maturity of the god despot Darkseid and the uneasy peace between Genesis and Apokolips made possible by the switching of the two rulers’ sons.

John Byrne faithfully recreated many of the ordinal Jack Kirby illustrations and expounded and expanded on the literary legacy Jack left behind.

The series is a fitting tribute to Jack Kirby and his unparalleled imagination and legacy.

James 1:19 (NIV)”My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

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