
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Marvel Fanfare #15

Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) and Ben Grimm (The Thing) of Marvel Comics’ The Fantastic Four) have always have had a friendly rivalry. The two are constantly trying to one up each other by pulling pranks.  Ben usually gets the worst of it.

In Marvel Fanfare #15 writer/artist Barry Windsor Smith created the ultimate Torch/Thing go around and it is hilarious.

The Torch and The Thing's long tradition of pranking each other gets out of hand when The Thing wakes up one morning to a barrage of practical jokes pulled off by The Human Torch.

From prat falls to an unexpected ride into the face of Dr. Doom The Thing is put through the practical joke ringer only to finally land in a room filled with balloons.

It seems The Human Torch devised the practical joke extravaganza to celebrate April 1st-April Fool’s Day.  The only problem is, The Torch got the date wrong.

Unfortunately for him Ben hasn’t and as it’s said, “Revenge is sweet.”

Artist/writer Barry Windsor Smith is a master of his craft.  From simple scenes of sleep to the most outrageous example of action and mayhem, he pulls each off with style.

It’s a hilarious tale made even more so by Smith’s incredible art.

A follow-up story-starring Daredevil is also included as the Man Without Fear seeks to save a friend from his past.

Isaiah 55:8 (NKJV) “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.”

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