
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Primetime 1966-1967

The decade of the 1960s is considered by many to be the most inventive, diverse and ground-breaking era in television.

1966 to 1967 saw a huge shift in TV when programming broadcast in full color. Up until that point (with a few exceptions) TV shows were broadcast in black and white. 

In 1966 when I was 13 years old, our landlady, Mrs. Peck, had a color TV console. She would allow my friends in the neighborhood and myself to watch Star Trek (in living color) every Thursday night at 8 PM.

We were in hog heaven! There was nothing like it! 

You have to remember back then that were no video games, no internet, no multi-movie complexes, no social networking, no cable TV or any of the other mass media outlets and entertainment that we take for granted today.

There were books, board games, toys, TV on three networks or maybe four or five if you lived close to Canada or if there was a Public TV Station nearby. 

Kids played outside until dusk. Mom and dad read the newspaper, worked around the house, stores closed at 5 PM on weekdays and were closed on Sunday and everyone went to church on Sunday.

A lot has changed. 

Try to imagine what a treat it was to see a full color TV show!

Thom “Beefstew” Shubilla and McFarland & Company Inc., Publishers look back at the late 1960s with their Primetime 1966-1967 book that covers the full spectrum of Television’s all-color season.

Every genre of series were broadcast from Westerns to Science Fiction.

Some of my favorites were Star Trek, Lost In Space, Batman, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Bewitched, Hogan’s Heroes and dozens of other series. 

I especially loved Science Fiction and the hard as nails Detective series.

The book examines each genre and provides interesting and fascinating text about the shows, their cast and crews, their genesis and so forth. 

Take a delightful trip down TV Memory Lane and discover some of the best TV series ever produced and all in full color!

Galatians 2:20 (NKJV) “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”





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